I recently received a board I designed a while back. I had it shipped the least expensive way that had tracking. It took over a month to make it here and the LCSC parts took even longer. Not sure if I will use that shipping choice again.
I call this board a LED follower. A 555 timer IC combined with a 595 shift register IC along with some other supporting components form the circuit for this board that will light one or more LEDs pulsing up the row when the button is triggered.The circuit differs from the way the 595 is usually used (clocking in 8 serial bits then triggering the latch pin to send a 8 bits in parallel to the outputs). By tying the clock pin and latch pin together the current state of the register is displayed on each shift. Speed of the pulsing is controlled by the blue potentiometer. It can vary the speed from a little less than once a second to where the LEDs blur together.The circuit can either be a one-shot where the LEDs go dark after they hit the top or with a flip of the repeat switch it can send the top pulse back to the trigger input creating a feedback loop that shows a repeating cycle.I designed this board with a few components I had not used before. I used a resistor array that combines 8 resistors in a single package. Also, because the shift register is 5 volt, I am powering the board via micro USB. I could only find that component with surface mount connections and they are really close together. It was a bear trying to solder them but I got it done with a lot of flux and some solder wick. I only got 10 of these which is good because of the USB connector they will not be suitable for the learn to solder classes. Link to the EasyEDA project page for this board.
Update 3/15/2024: I have updated this board to get power from other sources like a USB pigtail cord. The circuit should work from 3v to 6v so other options will work too.
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