I needed a new board for my Winter learn to solder classes so I thought I would do Christmas buzzer music and blinking pixels on a fir tree shaped PCB. After adapting code from a Technoblogy project I was able to port over to the ATtiny85 five songs from the Uno and still have room to get the Tiny Neopixel library to blink 15 pixels. This is the first time I have tried the SK6812 mini-E reverse mounted pixels. I know they are kind of small but I thought the tabs might make them relatively easy to solder by hand. The boards turned out well.
The only problem was I do not feel it is suitable for the learn to solder class because of the small neopixels. I will probably solder up the 10 boards I got and give them as gifts. Stay tuned for a version 2 that will have buzzer music and regular LEDs.
I did 3 videos on how I designed this. Here is the playlist